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Text Widget API



Text.Text: Iris.Text

A text label to display the text argument. The Wrapped argument will make the text wrap around if it is cut off by its parent. The Color argument will change the color of the text, by default it is defined in the configuration file. The RichText argument will

hasChildren = false
hasState = false
Arguments = {
    Text: string,
    Wrapped: boolean? = [CONFIG] = false, -- whether the text will wrap around inside the parent container. If not specified, then equal to the config
    Color: Color3? = Iris._config.TextColor, -- the colour of the text.
    RichText: boolean? = [CONFIG] = false -- enable RichText. If not specified, then equal to the config
Events = {
    hovered: () -> boolean


Text.SeparatorText: Iris.SeparatorText

Similar to Iris.Separator but with a text label to be used as a header when an Iris.Tree or Iris.CollapsingHeader is not appropriate.

Visually a full width thin line with a text label clipping out part of the line.

hasChildren = false
hasState = false
Arguments = {
    Text: string


Text.InputText: Iris.InputText

A field which allows the user to enter text.

hasChildren = false
hasState = true
Arguments = {
    Text: string? = "InputText",
    TextHint: string? = "", -- a hint to display when the text box is empty.
    ReadOnly: boolean? = false,
    MultiLine: boolean? = false
Events = {
    textChanged: () -> boolean, -- whenever the textbox looses focus and a change was made.
    hovered: () -> boolean
States = {
    text: State<string>?


deprecated in v2.0.0
This was deprecated in v2.0.0

Use 'Text' with the Wrapped argument or change the config.

Text.TextWrapped: Iris.Text

An alias for Iris.Text with the Wrapped argument set to true, and the text will wrap around if cut off by its parent.

hasChildren = false
hasState = false
Arguments = {
    Text: string,
Events = {
    hovered: () -> boolean


deprecated in v2.0.0
This was deprecated in v2.0.0

Use 'Text' with the Color argument or change the config.

Text.TextColored: Iris.Text

An alias for Iris.Text with the color set by the Color argument.

hasChildren = false
hasState = false
Arguments = {
    Text: string,
    Color: Color3 -- the colour of the text.
Events = {
    hovered: () -> boolean
Show raw api
    "functions": [],
    "properties": [
            "name": "Text",
            "desc": "A text label to display the text argument.\nThe Wrapped argument will make the text wrap around if it is cut off by its parent.\nThe Color argument will change the color of the text, by default it is defined in the configuration file.\nThe RichText argument will \n\n```lua\nhasChildren = false\nhasState = false\nArguments = {\n    Text: string,\n    Wrapped: boolean? = [CONFIG] = false, -- whether the text will wrap around inside the parent container. If not specified, then equal to the config\n    Color: Color3? = Iris._config.TextColor, -- the colour of the text.\n    RichText: boolean? = [CONFIG] = false -- enable RichText. If not specified, then equal to the config\n}\nEvents = {\n    hovered: () -> boolean\n}\n```\n    ",
            "lua_type": "Iris.Text",
            "tags": [
            "source": {
                "line": 345,
                "path": "lib/API.lua"
            "name": "TextWrapped",
            "desc": "An alias for [Iris.Text](Text#Text) with the Wrapped argument set to true, and the text will wrap around if cut off by its parent.\n\n```lua\nhasChildren = false\nhasState = false\nArguments = {\n    Text: string,\n}\nEvents = {\n    hovered: () -> boolean\n}\n```\n    ",
            "lua_type": "Iris.Text",
            "tags": [
            "deprecated": {
                "version": "v2.0.0",
                "desc": "Use 'Text' with the Wrapped argument or change the config."
            "source": {
                "line": 366,
                "path": "lib/API.lua"
            "name": "TextColored",
            "desc": "An alias for [Iris.Text](Text#Text) with the color set by the Color argument.\n\n```lua\nhasChildren = false\nhasState = false\nArguments = {\n    Text: string,\n    Color: Color3 -- the colour of the text.\n}\nEvents = {\n    hovered: () -> boolean\n}\n```\n    ",
            "lua_type": "Iris.Text",
            "tags": [
            "deprecated": {
                "version": "v2.0.0",
                "desc": "Use 'Text' with the Color argument or change the config."
            "source": {
                "line": 391,
                "path": "lib/API.lua"
            "name": "SeparatorText",
            "desc": "Similar to [Iris.Separator](Format#Separator) but with a text label to be used as a header\nwhen an [Iris.Tree](Tree#Tree) or [Iris.CollapsingHeader](Tree#CollapsingHeader) is not appropriate.\n\nVisually a full width thin line with a text label clipping out part of the line.\n\n```lua\nhasChildren = false\nhasState = false\nArguments = {\n    Text: string\n}\n```\n    ",
            "lua_type": "Iris.SeparatorText",
            "tags": [
            "source": {
                "line": 415,
                "path": "lib/API.lua"
            "name": "InputText",
            "desc": "A field which allows the user to enter text.\n\n```lua\nhasChildren = false\nhasState = true\nArguments = {\n    Text: string? = \"InputText\",\n    TextHint: string? = \"\", -- a hint to display when the text box is empty.\n    ReadOnly: boolean? = false,\n    MultiLine: boolean? = false\n}\nEvents = {\n    textChanged: () -> boolean, -- whenever the textbox looses focus and a change was made.\n    hovered: () -> boolean\n}\nStates = {\n    text: State<string>?\n}\n```\n    ",
            "lua_type": "Iris.InputText",
            "tags": [
            "source": {
                "line": 443,
                "path": "lib/API.lua"
    "types": [],
    "name": "Text",
    "desc": "Text Widget API\n    ",
    "source": {
        "line": 320,
        "path": "lib/API.lua"