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Table Widget API



Table.Table: Iris.Table

A layout widget which allows children to be displayed in configurable columns and rows.

hasChildren = true
hasState = false
Arguments = {
    NumColumns = number,
    RowBg = boolean? = false, -- whether the row backgrounds alternate a background fill.
    BordersOuter = boolean? = false,
    BordersInner = boolean? = false, -- borders on each cell.
Events = {
    hovered: () -> boolean



Table.NextColumn() → ()

In a table, moves to the next available cell. if the current cell is in the last column, then the next cell will be the first column of the next row.


Table.SetColumnIndex(indexnumber) → ()

In a table, directly sets the index of the column.


Table.NextRow() → ()

In a table, moves to the next available row, skipping cells in the previous column if the last cell wasn't in the last column

Show raw api
    "functions": [
            "name": "NextColumn",
            "desc": "In a table, moves to the next available cell. if the current cell is in the last column,\nthen the next cell will be the first column of the next row.\n    ",
            "params": [],
            "returns": [],
            "function_type": "static",
            "source": {
                "line": 1677,
                "path": "lib/API.lua"
            "name": "SetColumnIndex",
            "desc": "In a table, directly sets the index of the column.\n    ",
            "params": [
                    "name": "index",
                    "desc": "",
                    "lua_type": "number"
            "returns": [],
            "function_type": "static",
            "source": {
                "line": 1690,
                "path": "lib/API.lua"
            "name": "NextRow",
            "desc": "In a table, moves to the next available row,\nskipping cells in the previous column if the last cell wasn't in the last column\n    ",
            "params": [],
            "returns": [],
            "function_type": "static",
            "source": {
                "line": 1704,
                "path": "lib/API.lua"
    "properties": [
            "name": "Table",
            "desc": "A layout widget which allows children to be displayed in configurable columns and rows.\n\n```lua\nhasChildren = true\nhasState = false\nArguments = {\n    NumColumns = number,\n    RowBg = boolean? = false, -- whether the row backgrounds alternate a background fill.\n    BordersOuter = boolean? = false,\n    BordersInner = boolean? = false, -- borders on each cell.\n}\nEvents = {\n    hovered: () -> boolean\n}\n```\n    ",
            "lua_type": "Iris.Table",
            "tags": [
            "source": {
                "line": 1668,
                "path": "lib/API.lua"
    "types": [],
    "name": "Table",
    "desc": "Table Widget API\n    ",
    "source": {
        "line": 1645,
        "path": "lib/API.lua"