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Each widget has a number of events connected to it. You can see these events on the API page.

Certain events will happen once, such as a window being collapsed or a button being clicked. Other events can be continuous, such as a widget being hovered. Each event is a function which returns a boolean value for whether the event has happened that frame or not.

To listen to an event, use the following:

local button = Iris.Button({ "Please click me!" })
if button.clicked() then
print("The button was clicked!")

Events will fire the frame after the initial action happened. This is so that any changes caused by that event can propogate visually. For example on a checkbox:

  • [Frames 1 - 60] The mouse is elsewhere.

  • [Frames 61 - 80] The user is moving their moues towards the checkbox.

  • [Frame 81 - 100] The mouse enters the checkbox. The .hovered() event fires because this event will fire on the frame.

  • [Frame 101] The user presses MouseButton1 down on the checkbox.

  • [Frame 102] The user releases the MouseButton1.

  • [Frame 103] The checkbox tick appears. The .checked() event fires.